Alive and well...

Hello friend,

I've been thinking about you; wondering how you're doing.

I've stepped away from sharing anything new this week. But only to be more present and intentional in the kitchen, with my boys, home, and farm. And in the coming weeks, I have so many exciting new things to share. Elevated thoughts, beautiful and nourishing content, that speaks the truth of my heart.

I'm motivated by equal parts beauty and nourishment- quality and deep flavor. The kinds of delights that make you close your eyes and savor, even for just a moment longer. I want that for me, and I want that for you.

While I haven't been writing, I have been thinking of you, and praying for you. May you be wrapped in the warmth of those good thoughts.

Jars are bubbling and fermenting, bread is rising, and recipes are being tweaked and tested, I will be back next week to share all this goodness with you!

Talk to you next week.


Chelsea Rose

Little Fisher Farmhouse

Putting beauty and simplicity at the forefront of everything we do. We tend to all corners of our lives this way. From the foods we eat, the garden beds we sow, the farm animals we raise, and the home we keep. We take our three boys along with us on this journey of finding the magic in the mundane.

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Lilac Lemonade