Hello! This week on the blog, I'm sharing my tried and true pie crust recipe. This is a recipe that I've been refining over the last decade. And, yes it's sourdough. Would it even be one of my recipes if it wasn't? Listen, feeling my best, is important to me. In the name of good health, I've tried many diets, fasts, and restrictions (I will dive deeper into that some other time). They always felt rigorous, and boring. And, for someone like me, who just wants to have fun, it felt like torture. Nothing has led me home like sourdough. Sourdough awakened me to the idea that The MOST delicious foods are good for you! When I discovered the alchemy of turning flour and water into deeply nutritive, gut-supporting cultures (sourdough), while at the same time enjoying what I was eating, I found the answer. I'm grateful that my answer came in the form of good food. I want to enjoy this precious life. It doesn't have to be fancy or elaborate. As a Mother of three active boys, I love simple meals. And when I choose quality, those simple meals still feel magical and fun. Good for you doesn't have to be torture. Good for you can be pleasurable. Dare I say, good for you can come in the form of pie. I'm off to drink a glass of bubbly in the sunshine! I hope you get to do something pleasurable today, too! Talk to you next week. ALL THE LOVE! Chelsea Rose
Putting beauty and simplicity at the forefront of everything we do. We tend to all corners of our lives this way. From the foods we eat, the garden beds we sow, the farm animals we raise, and the home we keep. We take our three boys along with us on this journey of finding the magic in the mundane.