I want to get lost...

Hello to you!

Spring likes to change her mind, doesn't she? But there's a notable shift when she decides to stay. I think she has. I can smell it.

The boys and I spent time foraging for Ramps forest side, catching crawdads in the creek, and picking wildflowers for a few projects we had in mind. And, last night I took a beloved house plant for a dance in the rain. A rain so rich in nitrogen that it instantly made the earth greener. I believe Spring has decided to stay.

She's called me out, asking me to let go of my grasp on the sheltered farmhouse and let the mornings, afternoons, and evenings bleed into each other, less concerned with time and obligation.

Spring puts on quite a show. I love that about her. She deals with some stage fright, but once she takes the stage for good, it's a symphony of colors, sounds, blooms, and new life. She exhales and everything awakens from a slumber.

And with this shift, my cravings have changed. I'm not as interested in a hot oven and the rhythm of baking bread. I want to dig in the dirt, watch things sprout to life, and get lost in the woods.

So that's exactly what we will do.

These homemade granola bars are the perfect adventure buddy. Keeping us satiated until it's time to come home.

Talk to you next week.


Chelsea Rose

Little Fisher Farmhouse

Putting beauty and simplicity at the forefront of everything we do. We tend to all corners of our lives this way. From the foods we eat, the garden beds we sow, the farm animals we raise, and the home we keep. We take our three boys along with us on this journey of finding the magic in the mundane.

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